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2022广东一本大学有哪些 附录取分数线及最新排名一览表(历史)

2022广东一本大学有哪些 附录取分数线及最新排名一览表(历史)2022年的高考已经落下了帷幕。相信同学们也开始根据自己的学科类型选择院校了。相信文科生对广东省的历史名校很有兴趣。今天,小编为同学整理了2022年广东省历史类一期大学历史类最新榜单和最新排名,供同学们参考和选择!



1. 中山大学:最低录取分数线615分,最低相应排名1453;





招生年份 大学名称 大学分类 最低分数线 最低排名 2021 中山大学综合 61514532021 哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)科学技术 61217462021 北京师范大学(珠海校区)综合 60920312021 华南理工大学综合 60524012021 深圳大学综合60425342021 暨南大学综合 60228752021 广州中医药大学 医学 59736982021 华南师范大学 教师 59441962021 广东外语外贸大学 语文 57296512021 华南农业大学 农林 568111952021 南方医科大学 医学 567114712021广州医科大学医药563130162021广州大学综合562131552021汕头大学综合559146622021深圳技术大学理工555161272021广东工业大学理工554170222021广东财经大学财经548194622021广东医科大学医药533275142021东莞理工学院理工526318862021北京理工大学珠海学院理工49851484

List of the latest ranking list of a university in Guangdong Province in 2022 [Alumni Association Version]

According to the latest 2022 Alumni Association Chinese University Ranking List, Sun Yat-sen University ranks 15th in the country and ranks No. 1 in the 2022 Guangdong University Rankings one. The rankings of the top five universities in Guangdong Province are as follows:

1. Sun Yat-sen University: Ranked 5th in the country.

2. South China University of Technology: Ranked 24th in the country.

3. Jinan University: Ranked 39th in the country.

4. South China Agricultural University: ranked 54th in the country.

5. Shenzhen University: Ranked 56th in the country. The following is the specific university rankings:

[Alumni Association 2022 Guangdong Province University Ranking List]

National Ranking School Name Star Ranking School Level 15 Sun Yat-Sen University 7 World-renowned high-level universities 24 South China University of Technology Universities 6★ World-class universities 39 Jinan University 5★ Chinas first-class universities 54 South China Agricultural University 5★ Chinas first-class universities 56 Shenzhen University 5★ Chinas first-class universities 57 South China Normal University 5★ Chinas first-class universities 111 Southern Medical University 4★ Chinas high-level universities Universities 125 Guangdong University of Technology 4 ★ Chinas high-level universities 143 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies 4 ★ Chinas high-level universities 144 Guangzhou Medical University 4 ★ Chinas high-level universities 145 Guangzhou University 3 ★ Regional first-class universities 148 Shantou University 3 ★ Regional first-class universities 149 Dongguan Institute of Science and Technology 3★Regional first-class university 153Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 5★China一流大学 244 广东财经大学 3★区域一流大学 340广东医科大学 2★区域高水平大学 346深圳科技大学 2★区域高水平大学


